Psych 100: Mock Interview

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In Psych 100: Psychology in the Workplace, we used everything we read in the book to complete a Mock Interview.

Instructions: “Beginning on Tuesday, Kristin (I) will be hosting Mock Interviews with you via telecommunication or in-person, based on availability. Therefore, I will need to you secure an appointment time here. Thank you to all of you who responded to the link I sent out last week. I was able to base the timing and amount of interview times I offered on each day according to your responses. Preference for appointment times on specific days will go to those who responded to the link this past week. You will want to sign up as soon as possible. You must sign up prior to 8 a.m. the day of your interview time so that I can email you a link to your specific appointment. You will need a webcam (or video capacity) and a microphone on your phone/computer. Know that coming to campus for an in-person interview is also an option. There are more appointments than there are students, so hopefully you can find a time that works into your schedule. Please contact me if there are issues, and I will do my best to work with you. The mock interview (Homework Assignment #2 – Unit 3 Summary) is your only assignment next week.”

When preparing for this interview I referenced interview questions that were asked in the book. I thought of answers beforehand and made sure I looked somewhat presentable. During the interview, I made sure to make plenty of eye contact and tried not to make nervous movements like swiveling in the chair or cracking my knuckles. Overall my instructor said I did a pretty good job, but I could’ve elaborated on some of my answers.