Author: carterbaumgard

  • Layout 2: Product Spread

    For this assignment in Layout 2, we had to make a product spread for our magazine with out own photos of products. We first had to pick our products and a topic. I chose the topic of drawing and decided on the title of 7 Essentials for Sketching Your Designs. I chose many different products… Read more

  • Photography: Triptych Photos

    Triptych photos are three separate photos with a similar theme, put together to make one image. The instructions were to photograph anything we would like and this is why I found this project fun. I really like music and playing guitar so I chose to take photos of my acoustic guitar out in nature. I… Read more

  • Media Writing: Social Media Posts

    In Media Writing class we were assigned to write 20 Facebook posts of a business of our choice. Because I had already had contact with Josh Rieck of J. Rieck Music, I chose to write for him. I really enjoyed writing for J. Rieck Music! I wrote a lot about guitar and the many different… Read more

  • Layout 2: Second Article

    This one was very similar to the Featured Article. But I didn’t find it as tough. In Media Writing, we were assigned to interview and write about an owner of a local business. I interviewed store owner and luthier, Josh Rice, of J. Rieck Music. I really enjoyed talking to Josh and really like visiting… Read more

  • Layout 2: Featured Article

    A lot of preparation went into making our featured article in our magazine. It was carried out through multiple classes and took a while to complete. The first thing we did was pick the person and business to write about. This was done for Media Writing class and it was a bit difficult. I chose… Read more

  • New Media: Projects using the Laser

    In New Media class we learned how to use the laser machine to engrave and cut many different things. The first thing we did was design a design to engrave onto a pen. I made a drawing of a pen that looked like it was writing my name in cursive. I really enjoyed this project… Read more

  • Photography: Portrait Lighting

    In Photography, we learned about the different lighting options when taking portraits. The 4 different options are Split, Loop, Rembrandt, and Butterfly. Split Lighting is lighting from only one side of the subject. Most will be covered by shadows. One light is placed on the left or right of the subject and the camera is… Read more

  • Psych 100: Mock Interview

    In Psych 100: Psychology in the Workplace, we used everything we read in the book to complete a Mock Interview. Instructions: “Beginning on Tuesday, Kristin (I) will be hosting Mock Interviews with you via telecommunication or in-person, based on availability. Therefore, I will need to you secure an appointment time here. Thank you to all of… Read more

  • Psychology 100: Resume Draft Assignment

    My Psychology 100 class is all about psychology in the workplace, and right now we are making resumes based on what we read in chapters 4 and 5. Our resume draft had to be 2 pages, one for the actual resume and the other for references. For the actual resume part, we first had to… Read more

  • New Media Tour:

    For our New Media class, we took a tour at The building was amazing! They had tons of different nice cars and things in the building. They even had a T-rex fossil in the center of the building. Overall I think the tour was super insightful too. I learned what they do and what… Read more