My CD Collection: CD #3 – Barenaked Ladies

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This is Stunt by Barenaked Ladies. Barenaked Ladies is a alternative rock band from Canada, formed in 1988. They became popular in Canada with their their singles “If I Had $1000000” and “Brian Wilson”, which later spread to the United States.

Stunt is their forth studio album, released in 1998. This album is one of if not their most popular. The song “One Week” is the first song on this album and also being their most popular. Stunt has a total of 13 songs on this album.


They say is genre of music is alternative rock. Probably because their sound is very unique. Their music is very silly, upbeat, and has obvious indie influences.

“One Week” is their most popular song, but I don’t like it very much. I prefer lots of other songs on this album. My favorite songs are from the middle of the album and are very close to one another. My favorites are “Leave”, “Alcohol”, and “In the Car”. Overall I think this is a decent album, and would recommend it to anyone who likes upbeat rock.