Photography: Portrait Lighting

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In Photography, we learned about the different lighting options when taking portraits. The 4 different options are Split, Loop, Rembrandt, and Butterfly.

Split Lighting is lighting from only one side of the subject. Most will be covered by shadows. One light is placed on the left or right of the subject and the camera is in front. This can make the subject seem mysterious, dramatic, and or masculine.

Loop Lighting is where the main light is above eye level and around 30 degrees from the subject. Loop Lighting is very close to Rembrandt. This lighting creates shadows on the nose and cheek. If set up right, these shadows shouldn’t touch.

Rembrandt Lighting still has the main light above eye level and around 30 degrees from the subject. It also has a fill light behind the camera and in front of the subject. This lighting creates shadows on the nose and cheek. If set up right, these shadows should touch. It is said that this lighting might not be flattering for people with small noses or a flat nose bridge.

Finally is Butterfly Lighting. The light is placed directly behind and aboce the camera. This lighting should create a shadow under the cheeks and neck.
It is very flattering for older subjects. and hides wrinkles and skin imperfections.