Portfolio Print Production – Magazine Printing and Production

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We are finishing our magazines from last semester in our print production class this semester. To finish these magazines we are printing and assembling all of the pages to our magazine.

The first was the printing. After making the necessary changes and fixes, we needed to arrange the pages into printer spreads. These printer spreads are arranged in a way that when folded and stapled, the pages will be in order and facing the right way. After we need to print. This is changing many different settings to make it fit and look well on paper. We first did test prints on cheap paper. These test prints would let us look over the magazines for mistakes without using expensive paper. After the test prints, we print on nice paper.

Next is assembling all the pages that were printed. This includes first folding all the pages. Then we staple all the pages together. These staples are placed on the spine to make sure that the magazine opens correctly. Lastly, we cut the edges of the magazine. This is the final touch to make the magazine look official. We cut all the white edges off.