Psychology 100: Resume Draft Assignment

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My Psychology 100 class is all about psychology in the workplace, and right now we are making resumes based on what we read in chapters 4 and 5. Our resume draft had to be 2 pages, one for the actual resume and the other for references.

For the actual resume part, we first had to list our contact information. This was our address, phone number, and email, along with our name of course. Then we had to talk about our education. In the chapters, we were told that if we have something higher than a high school diploma, we shouldn’t list the high school as part of our education. It is kind of implied. Next, was the work experience and technical skills we learned from working and will help us in getting the new job.

Now the references page. The page was to include 3 professional references and their information. That included their position and company along with their email and phone numbers. I chose to use my two instructors and my boss because I think those would be good references that an employer would look for when using references.